Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Body Acceptance - Nutrition

Sam is a dietitian with 5 years of experience in behavioral health, specializing in eating disorder care at all levels. She is working towards her Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) certification and is an active member of the Milwaukee Chapter of The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP). A passionate advocate for Health at Every Size (HAES), Sam is dedicated to helping individuals rebuild their relationship with food through intuitive eating. She believes in the power of body acceptance and supports clients in letting go of fear-driven food choices, empowering them to listen to their body’s cues and honor their cravings. Sam is excited to offer nutrition education in a way that fosters body positivity and encourages long-term healing.
Topics covered in this group with Sam’s facilitation:
Intuitive Eating: We’ll explore what intuitive eating truly looks like—listening to your body, honoring your hunger, and choosing foods that feel satisfying without guilt. 
Health at Every Size (HAES): This group aligns with the HAES approach, focusing on the understanding that health is multifaceted and not determined by size. 
Building Food and Body Trust: By moving away from the influence of restrictive dieting, participants will gain skills in trusting their bodies and food choices. 
Challenging Diet Culture: We’ll take a deep dive into how diet culture and harmful societal messages about food, body size, and beauty standards have shaped our thinking. 
Body Respect and Acceptance: One of the cornerstones of this work is recognizing that true healing requires embracing and honoring our bodies as they are. 
Embracing Food Freedom: As we break free from diet culture, we’ll work toward developing a sense of food freedom—choosing what feels nourishing and satisfying in the moment, without adhering to rules or fear-based eating patterns.
Practical Tools for Long-Term Healing: In addition to learning about intuitive eating and HAES, you will leave each session with actionable skills and tools to challenge negative thoughts and improve self-compassion. 


Reach Out to Us

Body Acceptance Group - Nutrition

If you would like to reserve a spot in the mental health and/or nutrition group for Body Acceptance, please complete this form to get the conversation started.