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Emily Keeling on
December 21st, 201712/21/17 |
We are all human. And we all suffer emotionally. I dare you to challenge me on these two statements. Working in private practice as a mental health therapist, the overwhelming number of suffering humans who are seeking help struck me. It struck me because of the stigma our society maintains around mental health. My clients […]
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Nate Paschke on
November 26th, 201711/26/17 |
The 411 on this emerging form of therapy that relieves persistent muscle pain. Ugh, that recurring pain—the one in your back, or maybe it’s your knee or your shoulder. Maybe it’s a pesky, persistent case of plantar fasciitis that’s been keeping you from walking the dog or enjoying your morning jog. It’s common to attempt […]
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Chelsea Gloeckner on
November 2nd, 201711/2/17 |
Ask yourself these five questions first. You already know the basics of healthy eating, but putting that knowledge into practice is easier said than done. If that sounds like you, maybe you’ve considered meeting with a nutritionist but you’ve never taken the first step. Perhaps you’ve tried to step up your nutrition plan on your […]
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Emily Keeling on
October 6th, 201710/6/17 |
Don’t let these myths about mental health therapy keep you from seeking help and feeling better. For some of us, our ideas about talk therapy are rooted in stereotypes. If we’ve considered meeting with a therapist, we often hesitate, falling back on a few common myths about therapy. We worry that our problems aren’t big […]
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Emily Keeling on
September 17th, 20179/17/17 |
I have always been curious and passionate about the human experience. This is what drove me to become a therapist. I wanted to understand the human condition in a way that made sense to me. As a psychology major in college, it wasn’t the statistics or empirical data that answered my questions. Rather, it was […]
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