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Elisa Salvat on
January 9th, 20231/9/23 |
I recently decided to take an introductory class at a cult…I mean group fitness studio…and I want to share my experience as it is new years resolution season. First, it is important to note that I am a registered dietitian as well as a certified personal trainer. I have been in the industry for eight […]
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Elisa Salvat on
December 26th, 202212/26/22 |
Wait. Is it dietician or dietitian? It’s dietitian. Although I think spelling it with a “c” makes more sense. I’ve been called many things: nutritionist, dietary, and an 11-year-old once called me a mortician. So let me clarify, my name is Elisa, and I’m a Registered Dietitian. I get it, no one really knows what […]
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Leah Hovel on
October 24th, 202210/24/22 |
This week has been full of change. I see the trees dropping their yellow and red leaves and the cold dewy grass each morning after a night of almost freezing. Change, while it can be transformative like a butterfly coming out of the cocoon, is quite uncomfortable. Whether the change is expected, unexpected, good or […]
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Leah Hovel on
August 30th, 20228/30/22 |
Yesterday was painful. While it was a beautiful summer day outside and I had a light week of work on the horizon, I still felt a wave of depression overcoming me. This showed up in feelings of emptiness and lack of fulfillment throughout my day. Even my usual morning routine of sitting out in the […]
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Leah Hovel on
July 26th, 20227/26/22 |
Ever wonder why the universe just seems to send us the same repeating situations over and over again? You might notice this in your relationships. One toxic person leaves, and another toxic person enters. What is it about them, or us, that contributes to falling into the same trap one after another? Codependency. I hear […]
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Leah Hovel on
June 18th, 20226/18/22 |
In a world full of weight stigma and body positivity movements, it might feel confusing to work on healing your relationship with your body. You may have tried healing your body through listening to those who were supposed to be authorities on “health” but later found out it was all just a marketing scheme. Maybe […]
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Natalie Russell on
May 6th, 20225/6/22 |
You have probably heard the term “trigger” before. It’s become quite the buzzword, whether in casual conversation or in therapy. But I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about its sister word: glimmer. What’s a glimmer? It’s a cue that signals safety and security. One that creates a sense of internal peace […]
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Leah Hovel on
April 11th, 20224/11/22 |
Watching someone you love struggle with an eating disorder can be one of the scariest and most humbling experiences you can go through. So many of us want to swoop in and fix the problem; but unfortunately, it is not that simple. Eating disorders are often seen and treated as emotional-avoidance or emotion-driven disorders. For […]
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Kristen Pesature-Olds on
November 9th, 202011/9/20 |
I can trace my first introduction to the practice of Yoga back to the now defunct teen magazine called Jump: For Girls Who Dare To Be Real. Each edition had a page that highlighted a specific pose with a pleasant illustration, a description of how to practice the pose, and most importantly, how to cultivate […]
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Natalie Russell on
September 13th, 20209/13/20 |
In graduate school, I had the privilege of sitting across a holistic healing psychotherapist. Her philosophy was rooted in a body-centric and meditative modality, with guidance from ancient healing systems and contemporary neuroscience. I remember speaking to her about a difficult experience of mine—she urged me to rock back and forth. She wanted me to […]