Elle Well Studio + Wellness

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Going Keto Won’t Help You Love Your Body

By Mary Radovich Lowering your carbohydrate intake to the point where your body has to break down fat sounds like a legit way to lose weight. However, the Keto diet, (or Atkins 2018 as I like to call it) is not the magical weight loss method that many celebrities, trainers, and maybe your friends and […]

What Should I Eat?

By Mary Radovich Well…what do you want? What do you have? What are you doing? When is the next time you’ll eat? These are the things you should consider when deciding what to eat. Instead, many of us consider other things like “I heard this is bad,” or “this has too much sugar,” or “I […]

3 Strategies to Feeling Your Best During Travel

By: Chelsea Gloeckner Vacation is a time to enjoy yourself, relax with friends and family, seek adventure, and rejuvenate. Vacation is not the time to be worried or anxious about food and sticking to a particular way of eating. On vacation, you want to feel: Energized Satisfied Well-rested Hydrated Positive To make sure you feel […]

Understanding Art Therapy As An Adult

By Stephanie Gibart The best guess anyone ever gave me when describing art therapy comes from an older man who said with a perplexed look: “You’re an art therapist—so you give therapy to art?” I imagine this looks something like putting a piece of art on the couch and asking about its relationship with its […]

The health at every size movement and how it will change the way you look at food—and yourself

By Lindsey Arens It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s the belief that a number on a scale or the size of your pants does not determine health. Health at Every Size (HAES) is a movement that supports people of every size and challenges the mindset that thin = healthy. If you are intrigued at […]

Why an eating disorder therapist might be right for you even if you don’t have an eating disorder

By Lindsey Arens Most people don’t have a diagnosable eating disorder. Thank goodness. I don’t wish an eating disorder upon anyone. They have the highest mortality rates in the mental health world, and they are literally a form of self-torture. More people on this planet, however, struggle with the following: disordered eating traits or patterns, […]

The Mind-Body Connection: Healing Through Combined Talk Therapy & Yoga

By Alex Luber So you know that craze about the mind-body connection? That’s what I’m all about. I can treat the mind-body connection so that it makes a transformative impact in people’s lives. However, a persistent challenge of my career has been to accurately describe it. Identifying it is simple. I am a psychotherapist and […]

Dry Needling to Release Tension: Is it Right for Me?

The 411 on this emerging form of therapy that relieves persistent muscle pain. Ugh, that recurring pain—the one in your back, or maybe it’s your knee or your shoulder. Maybe it’s a pesky, persistent case of plantar fasciitis that’s been keeping you from walking the dog or enjoying your morning jog. It’s common to attempt […]

Finding a Milwaukee Dietitian: Should You Meet With A Nutritionist?

Ask yourself these five questions first. You already know the basics of healthy eating, but putting that knowledge into practice is easier said than done. If that sounds like you, maybe you’ve considered meeting with a nutritionist but you’ve never taken the first step. Perhaps you’ve tried to step up your nutrition plan on your […]