Mental Health Partnership
Interested in promoting mental health awareness at your place of business?
Partner with Elle Studio + Wellness in order to receive monthly mental health presentations by experts in the field.
We offer topics such as: Nurturing Mental Well-being, Preventing Burnout, and Succeeding in the Modern Work Environment
The Power of Purpose: How To Identify Yours and Make Permanent Change
Managing Stress and Anxiety: Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms
Practical Meal Planning
We also offer Body work Sessions:
A bodywork session with Katie or Kristen will feature 1 of 3 coping mechanisms for stress & anxiety: gentle yoga postures, deep breathing, or mindfulness meditation. Participants will learn how to better manage stress by learning concrete skills that can be implemented outside of session.
Reach Out to Us
Start the Conversation
Interested in providing mental health and wellness to your staff or place of business? Please let us know so we can create a partnership that works for you!