Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Group Therapy

Welcome to Elle’s Group Therapy offerings. The groups offered below are ones we have found resonant with many of our clientele. They offer healing, community, skills building, and perhaps the most important message of all: you are not alone
Navigate our group offerings below and reach out to us with your interest in joining. We’re glad you’re here. 


Learh More

Body Acceptance Group

Tuesday evenings
6:00 pm—7:00 pm

Join our weight inclusive community and gain support in affirming the acceptance of your body, for all it does for you. Come together to explore a wide range of topics and learn skills for coping with body image or chronic dieting concerns.

Grieve & Grow Group

Monday evenings
6:00 pm—7:00 pm

This is a support group for those dealing with loss and grief to find both community and insights into healthy forms of coping.

Somatic Group Therapy for Anxiety

Wednesday evenings
6:15 pm—7:15 pm

Learn how to cope with anxiety through the wisdom of the body. Come together with others who are incorporating the same skills into their day to day lives to find inner peace.

Our Wellness Practioners
Megan Jansma
mental health therapist
Sam Totsky
Registered Dietitian
Taylor Taglienti
mental health therapist