Elle Well Studio + Wellness

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Cultivating Calm

Sit with me. Close your eyes and imagine. You’ve seen this before. Flashing blue and red lights. The shattered glass, dented doors, crushed seats, deployed airbags, pale faces with hands on foreheads, shaking, and hearts pounding. We’ve all, at one point or another, driven past a scene like this, a devastating car crash. Many people […]

Our New Normal: Re-Opening at Elle

This week marks the return to some semblance of life before Covid hit in March of this year. For the past three months, the bustling hallways of yoga students, therapy clientele, and clinicians came to a dramatic halt. Everyone retreated home to makeshift offices and what was hopefully a secure Wifi connection. As therapists, we […]

Maintaining Mental & Physical Well-Being: Elle’s Response to COVID-19

I’m not going to lie, the past two weeks have been nothing short of rough. There’s a heaviness in the air—an eerie feeling in the streets—and pangs of uncertainty for the future and for the losses we are all enduring right now.  As a business owner and therapist, you think first and foremost for the […]

Expert Tips for Practicing Self-Care at Home

Self-care – it’s something we often overlook during the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. However, in order to nurture the health of our mind, body, and soul, we need ways to promote well-being and reduce stress. The thing about practicing self-care is that you intentionally need to make time and space for it. […]

A Journey Toward Self Care

The pace of our modern lives can often feel uncompromising. Time reserved for yourself is either viewed as a luxury or as something stumbled upon by accident, only to be savored in small doses. Society has long demanded that we march to the beat of an eternal drum—through illness, despite heartache, against the waning energy […]

Find Meaning at Your Center

“Find your center.”  We hear these words both on and off our yoga mats. But what does it mean? And how can we apply it to our lives?  First, we can look to the mind. Our mind is just one of many tools we carry within ourselves, but it has a reputation of pushing us […]

Healthfully Selfish: A Yogi’s Perspective

I have taught yoga for 10 years now and have run into the same puzzling phenomenon time and time again. When I tell students during class, “Be selfish right now. Take up as much energetic room in this space as you can.” Their reaction is to look at one another, giggle a little bit, and […]

Solstice Shadow Self

By: Melissa Hale Winter months are my favorite time of year, but it hasn’t always been so. As we approach the peak of darkness, the Winter Solstice on December 21, there is a natural desire to turn inwards, to become still and to sleep. This is nature’s way of taking pause after a productive spring, […]

Be Reckoned With

By Natalie Russell It is so easy to be wrecked with, rarely do we extend ourselves the conviction that we are a force that can wreck. In moments when we feel intensely, we label ourselves as reckless. We start to fear ourselves. We start to fear feeling. The moment that fear begins to creep in […]

This is Strength

By Emily Keeling & Natalie Russell How did she ultimately survive? She knew she deserved more. Driven, she aggressively pursued the goals of her life. She possessed an understanding of the world and developed self-compassion, but what good was any of that without strength? The ability to stare down adversity and take action. The difference […]