Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Browsing items tagged “empowerment Archives | Elle Well Studio + Wellness”

Fat Liberation Month

By now we have all heard of diet culture and body positivity. Most people, through personal experience, understand the negative consequences of the societal pressures to be thin, muscular, or shaped like an hourglass. We feel some hope when we see more variety in body shapes and sizes in pop culture like Lizzo or the […]

How Yoga Changed My Life

I can trace my first introduction to the practice of Yoga back to the now defunct teen magazine called Jump: For Girls Who Dare To Be Real. Each edition had a page that highlighted a specific pose with a pleasant illustration, a description of how to practice the pose, and most importantly, how to cultivate […]

Cultivating Calm

Sit with me. Close your eyes and imagine. You’ve seen this before. Flashing blue and red lights. The shattered glass, dented doors, crushed seats, deployed airbags, pale faces with hands on foreheads, shaking, and hearts pounding. We’ve all, at one point or another, driven past a scene like this, a devastating car crash. Many people […]

Confronting Privilege

As a therapist, I value thoughtfulness and authenticity when I work within the intricacies of that which is the human experience. To take in the profound weight of racism in this country, which has infected us all with either incomprehensible injustice or undeserved contentment, requires the same, if not more, consideration. In doing so, I […]

A Journey Toward Self Care

The pace of our modern lives can often feel uncompromising. Time reserved for yourself is either viewed as a luxury or as something stumbled upon by accident, only to be savored in small doses. Society has long demanded that we march to the beat of an eternal drum—through illness, despite heartache, against the waning energy […]

Find Meaning at Your Center

“Find your center.”  We hear these words both on and off our yoga mats. But what does it mean? And how can we apply it to our lives?  First, we can look to the mind. Our mind is just one of many tools we carry within ourselves, but it has a reputation of pushing us […]

Healthfully Selfish: A Yogi’s Perspective

I have taught yoga for 10 years now and have run into the same puzzling phenomenon time and time again. When I tell students during class, “Be selfish right now. Take up as much energetic room in this space as you can.” Their reaction is to look at one another, giggle a little bit, and […]

How to Transcend Being Stuck in Your Career

The good news is that feeling stuck means you’re not in survival mode. When you’re focused only on surviving, you’re not very picky. The bad news is that when money is no longer a primary motivator, it’s not always obvious what the core issue is that is blocking your job satisfaction. The anxiety, frustration, and […]

Protecting Empathy

“You care too much.” “Just move on.” “Why do you put up with that?” If you’ve ever had to explain the severe ups and downs of your relationship to friends and family members, you’ve likely heard these comments before. Women are commonly conceived as nurturing caretakers. They often have to learn how to assert themselves […]

How to Find Meaning in Film

By: Deborah Lukovich How does your unconscious reach you? And do you know where to look? C.G. Jung suggested that the first half of life is spent building our egos—in a good way— and finding a place in the world. Sometimes though we become too one-sided, trying to live by the values of society while […]