Elle Well Studio + Wellness

MindBody Therapy for Trauma

For love of healing.

People often strictly work with a mental health therapist when they are looking to heal and process their trauma. However, it is widely understood and highly recommended for survivors of trauma to engage their bodies in the healing process. Our bodies physically carry our pain. Finding its release is incredibly powerful and absolutely necessary. Too often, we respond to trauma with repression and compartmentalization; an ineffectual way to cope. The worst tragedy, besides the trauma experience itself, is if we subconsciously relive our trauma over and over again with the people who love and care about us. Pushing others away for self preservation instead of finding hope for the future. 

 MindBody therapy for trauma searches for your body’s memory of the pain you went through and where you stored that experience – in an effort to cultivate its release. Talking about your trauma will only get you so far. Your body belongs to you. It is your vessel for experiencing life. This is an opportunity to make sure that your body feels safe to you and rightly remains yours. 


MindBody Therapy Program

MindBody Therapy

Reach out to us about your interest in MindBody Therapy, teaching coping mechanisms for mental health conditions in the body, and we will answer any questions you might have.